Thursday, December 20, 2007


i haven't been able to write. not a damn thing. or, at least nothing i like. i feel like i've got papercuts on my brain and anything creative i had to offer is slowly hemorrhaging away. soon, there will be nothing left but cobwebs and recipes. is this writer's block? it feels more like a massive dam that's only allowing stupid thoughts to trickle out. like these ones. oh so stupid.

i'm looking at the bulletin board where a million little post-it notes are mocking me. that's where the good ideas are. on post-it notes. once upon a time, they were in my head, and then one day, i wrote them down and said, "I'll get to that soon. It's too good to leave alone." i've left the good ideas alone for too long and now they've formed an army of tiny yellow squares. they're waiting to attack me in the middle of the night. i know it. they'll leap off the cork board, brandishing thumbtacks, and kill me in my sleep. i won't even be able to fight them off, because they're the GOOD ideas.

samurai post-its.

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