Monday, February 11, 2013

Guide to Becoming a (Substitute) Teacher: Episode 1

Hi World! I'm a teacher now! Look at me! Look at me! I have a certificate and everything! LOOK AT ME!

No, really. Please look at me. Please?

It turns out that getting someone, a school, a principal, or even a seasoned veteran teacher to look at me is really tough. Granted, I've been unemployed before, so I know that this is the time to network, tweak my résumé and write a bazillion cover letters, but knowing the process doesn't make it any less awful.

Luckily, I subscribed to a dozen educator websites and programs, which allow me to see that there ARE opportunities out there for a freshly-annointed, eager-to-please... oh. Special Education, Elementary, Math, Science, History... Where are the jobs for Secondary Education (6-12) English teachers? Wheeling, Crystal Lake, Bloomington? But that would make my commute 2+ hours one way.  What about all of the schools in Chicago? Hey, CPS! What do you guys have available?

A "Substitute Teacher Selection Event," eh? That sounds promising.


I went to the "event," which turned out to be a bizarre cattle-call scene, ultimately leading to more paperwork and membership to the CPS Day-to-Day Substitute Pool. Not bad, but not great either. It was a rigorous and annoying process that involved essays, background checks, a fresh TB test, and a 10-panel drug screening. I can't even name 5 drugs.

At least I'm officially in the system now. I'm glad I took the time to jump through the hoops, because now I have the option of subbing in different schools. I'm looking forward to seeing what is actually happening in Chicago classrooms, meeting teachers and students, and figuring out what I like and don't like while I apply for jobs and network a bit.

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