Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Swift Boat Has Sailed

Obama has finally announced his running mate, Biden, and from what I've been reading in the papers (i.e. online), I'm optimistic. Elections in the past have broken my heart, time and again, with smear campaigns and muckraking, so much, in fact, that I rarely discuss politics anymore. Yet, here I am, feeling confident, for the first time in a long time, that I can voice my opinions on the upcoming election, with some gusto.

In the past, I've voted for the lesser of two evils, always noting that neither candidate really offered me any hope for the future term. This time around, I find myself excited about the possibilities of a decrease in our astronomical debt, better foreign relations, and an overall sense of global well-being.

Maybe I'm just buying into the hype.

If that's the case, so be it. It just feels good to have SOME hope for the country again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ALL RIGHT !!!! A fine choice.........I knew you would come over to the "right" (well, maybe left) side :-)

Optimistic.....that's my new motto too. An optimist is someone who sees opportunity in every difficulty.....a pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity (of course, I have stolen this from W. Churchill). many bad choices in the past make lots of us unwilling to hope again.....but let's hope it can be different this time.

Buy's not hype.

Later Sam :-)
