Friday, January 30, 2009

SICK: the variety pack

I made it through the week. It’s been rough at times, and fun at other times. Sometimes, it’s been both, simultaneously. I’m still sick, though, and getting worse, so I went to the campus medical centre today and spoke with a nurse.

“I have some sort of stuffed and runny nose, a very sore throat, and a nasty cough,” I said.

She looked me over, took my temperature, and finally sat down to write out a prescription.

“Now, I don’t think you’ll need much, dear. It looks like a nasty cold, is all. I’m going to recommend an over-the-counter medicine. It’s called… Soo-da-fed.”


I trudged back to my dorm, and crawled under the covers. I missed going to see the free movie. I missed being able to breathe normally. I missed my bed.

So, if Sudafed is the cure for being physically sick, what do I take to get over being homesick?

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