Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Arguing for the Sake of Argument

I joined the University of Limerick's Debate Society. I still don't know if it was a good idea, but I wanted to join a club other than the International Society. No offense to the International Society, but I came here to meet and mix with Irish people, not other Americans.

It's one thing to argue with someone when they're pissed (drunk), but it's an entirely different thing when you argue with someone who is drunk AND well-informed. The debaters are exactly that. The type of debating is specific to EU, being British Parliamentary Debate. I may have already described it in a previous entry.

Tonight's topic: That this House believes (it always starts out like that) that Darwin is greater than God.

It's a ridiculous thing to argue, but argue we did. We argued over the wording, we argued over the concepts, we argued semantics, and we argued everything there was to argue until someone said to Team Darwin, "Nothing you say really matters because you're all going to Hell."

How do you argue THAT?


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