Monday, February 2, 2009

The Latest in Modern Inconveniences

It has been a horribly annoying day.

It is cold here. Colder than I suspected it would be, but not as cold as Chicago. At least there's sunshine glittering off the mounds of snow in Chicago. Ain't no sunshine when she's gone, or at least in Ireland, eh?

The campus smells like crap. Literally. I'm not sure why, but there have been horses everywhere, which of course means that there is manure everywhere.

My attempts to register for modules (classes) were repeatedly thwarted by the computer system not recognizing my password or username. I asked a librarian for help, but I think librarians are required to be cranky and mean.

My ATM card said that I had insufficient funds. That is a lie. That is all manner of untrue.

I took the wrong bus into town and wound up in some strange strip mall. I walked a mile before I found my destination. I eventually purchased some much-needed groceries and hustled back to campus to make it to the UL Debate Society meeting. I waited for 45 minutes before realizing that the meeting probably wasn't happening.

It's been a stupid day. I'm hoping tomorrow is better.

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